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Common Questions

Many common questions have been answered here. If you still need help, please use our contact page to send us an email.

Click on any question to see the answer.

FAQ English

What is FotoStelvio?

FotoStelvio is an event photography service of StreetSafari, Inc.

Our photos provide a one-of-a-kind, personal souvenir of your Stelvio adventure!

Photographers are stationed daily at various corners of Passo dello Stelvio. We capture images of certain vehicles including motorcycles, bicycles, sportscars, and other performance vehicles. High resolution copies of images may be purchased for a nominal fee.

How do I find my photograph?

All traffic images are organized by 1) date and then by 2) time. To find your photograph:
    1. Select the month
    2. From the next page, select the date
    3. On the date page, select a time range
    4. Click on any thumbnail for a larger view. Click again to close and return to the thumbnails.

How do I purchase a photograph?

Once you have found your photograph, simply click the "Add to Cart" button for each image you wish to purchase. The cart will be immediately visible on the side of the page. You can add as many images as you like. You may also remove items from the cart on the same page. When you have selected your photographs, click the "Checkout with PayPal" button on the Shopping Cart.

Can I order photos from previous years?

You may order photos from previous years by visiting Find Your Foto or clicking a menu link found on pages of our site.

Because previous years are archived off our server, they must be ordered separately.

Do I need a PayPal account to purchase?

No, a PayPal account is not required. PayPal will process your credit card purchase without a PayPal account.

How are my photographs delivered?

You will receive two email messages after you order.

    1. A payment confirmation email from PayPal
    2. An order confirmation email from

When your order is placed, your images are processed. The full-size version of your Fotos are uploaded to our public web site.

This may take up to 48 hours to complete.

Use the email address of your PayPal purchase to access your order on our Download Page.

Do you offer images for press or journalists?

Due to licensing issues, we are unable to provide free images for use in print or elsewhere on the Internet. We believe our pricing is affordable and fair.

FotoStelvio images are licensed for personal use only and are copyright StreetSafari, Inc.

Please contact us for licensing terms for commercial use.